Sportsmanship and fair play are most important concerns.  Good sportsmanship is a responsibility of the teams.  An entire team is also responsible for the conduct of each player.  Other team members can do more to control a team member than an official. Teams must make every effort to prevent the occurrence of “incidents”. In the event that teams are unable to exert this control. LYSA must employ penalties to prevent further “incidents” to protect players and officials.

1.      Game times will be as listed on the official schedule.  Game time is forfeit time.

2.      No inning to begin after 75 minutes or 7 innings unless the game is tied.  The international tie breaker will go into effect at the end of 7 innings or 75 minutes, whichever is first, to determine the winner.  Only 1 inning of international tie breaker will be played for any league game. Games will end in a tie after 1 additional inning.

3.      Run ahead rule is 12 after 3, 10 after 4, and 8 after 5 innings for all age divisions.

4.      For 8 & U, 10 & U and 12 & U only - if the game is won in 3 innings by Rule 3, the game can continue to complete game length (75minutes) or finish when agreeable with both coaches.

5.      Players are allowed on only one LYSA team roster.

6.      Rosters must be completed online and parents must agree to waivers then coaches must submit roster from their account prior to their first game or it will be forfieted.  Games forfeited under this rule will not be made up.

7.      Players will be allowed to be added to the team roster up until June 1st.  No player may be added to the roster after June 1st.  After this date, a team may make a written request due to injury, to add additional players, with the LYSA board approval.


         Players can only be on one LYSA team roster.


8.      All teams must have at least one coach that is a member of LYSA.  Teams will not be scheduled if membership is not paid.

9.      An illegal player is a forfeit.  Illegal players must be identified and a protest filed before the umpires leave the field.

10.    After a forfeit, teams may share players and are encouraged to play a practice game.

11.    Make-up games will be scheduled only when games are cancelled due to bad weather.  All efforts will be made to reschedule rain out games whenever fields are available.  If after any team has 2 games that are unable to be rescheduled when active efforts are made to reschedule by LYSA and both coaches then a refund of $30 per game will be given to a team for every game after the first 2 that are unable to be rescheduled.

12.    Home team will be determined by coin flip at the plate. Dugouts will be on a first come basis.  Home team will be the official book.

13.    Each team will furnish a suitable ASA optic yellow, core .47, compression .375 game ball.

14.    Only protests allowed will be in regards to player eligibility.

15.    In the event of bad weather, a game will be considered a complete game if it has been in progress 45 minutes or if 2 1/2 complete innings have been completed by both sides. In all other instances, the game will be rescheduled from its beginning.

16.    Teams will be allowed to start a game with 7 players. If a team has less than 7 players the game will be considered a forfeit.  Players that arrive after the start of a game will be added to the bottom of the line-up.

17.    Before the start of the game, each team may choose to play ASA rules (9 players) or to bat continuous line-up and free substitution on defense as per the following:

         A.   All players present at the start of the game must be listed in the batting order.  Those arriving after the start of the game will be listed on the bottom of the batting order.

         B.   Once a player is listed in the batting order she must remain in the same position.

         C.   There will be free substitution of players in the field on defense.  However, there cannot be more than 9 or less than 7 players on the field at any time.  Any player listed in the batting order regardless of the number may play any position in the field.

         D.   Continuous batting only – a courtesy runner for an injured baserunner, pitcher or catcher, will be allowed, this courtesy runner will be the player that made the last out.

         E.   Submission of line-up before the game will serve as notice of the team’s choice for the full game.


18.    Any players removed from the line up may not re-enter. 


19.    Teams that have to forfeit a game MUST notify LYSA scheduler 24 hours before the game.  If a team does not make the notification or fails to show up for the game, the no-show team will be assessed a $75.00 fine that will be placed on their account and must be paid.

20.    In the event of a forfeit, umpires will be available to officiate practice games for at least 60 minutes.


21     In the event of a tie in the teams records the following will be used to determine the winner.

         A.   Record

         B.   Runs allowed

         C.   Coin flip


22.    Where not covered above, all ASA rules apply.




Revised March 2016 – LYSA Board