League Information

League Night by Age Division

LYSA under normal circumstances will schedule an age division on one or two consistent night(s) of the week.  The following is the typical nights for each age division.  NOTE:  THIS NIGHT MAY VARY DUE TO NUMBER OF REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE VARIOUS AGE DIVISIONS.

Tuesday- 12U / 14U

Wednesday- 8U / 10U / High School

In the event of makeup games, caused by rain-outs or other scheduling conflicts, makeup games may be scheduled on any night as the schedule allows.

Age Classification

Team divisions are determined by age of the team players for even numbered years of age. Players age on January 1st of the year of play, determines their eligibility for an age division.  Age divisions start at 8 years of age and under and go through 18 years of age and under.  These are designated by the age and the letter “U”, so 8U stands for the 8 years of age and under division.  Divisions are 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U.  A player can play up, but cannot play down.  For example, a player that is 11 years of age on January 1st would most likely play on an 12U team, but could also ”play up” on an 14U, 16U or even an 18U team.  That same player would not be able to play on an 10U or and 8U team, (playing down).

In 2014, we combined the 16U and 18U divisions for league play, creating the “High School Division”.   Any team may “play up” into this division if they desire, so a 14U team could choose to play in this division.

Summer League

In 2020, teams participating in the LYSA Summer League can play a 8 game schedule.  League play is typically over a 9 week period.  In 2018 league games will start in May and end in July.  Teams may have some single game nights or some nights with double headers, (two games).  Special requests are taken with team registrations and we will attempt to honor them when developing the schedule. 

Game Times

For Summer League, at the start of the season, before school gets out, there will be two game times each evening.  The first game will start at 6:00 PM and the second game will begin at 7:30.  Once school gets out, a third game will be added, starting at 9:00 PM.

The park opens to the public for league games approximately 1 hour before the start of the first game to allow for warm-ups.

League Fees

League fees include scheduling, field prep, umpires, lights, and rescheduling in the event of rain-outs.  You arrive at the park ready to play and we do the rest.


Our Summer and Fall league is sanctioned by USA Softball, (formerly Amateur Softball Association), which is the national governing body of softball.  All teams must be individually registered and coaches must have background check along with Safe Sport to play, no acceptations. You must have your USA softball card for every game.   

Gate Admission

There is no gate admission charged for the LYSA Summer or Fall league games.  

Keep in mind however, if you are attending Lincoln Public School's hosted games in the fall at Bair, that there will be an admission charge for those games. There is also admission charged for most summer and fall tournaments held at Bair.