1.      Your team must be registered with the sanctioning association of the tournament. Please have proof of registration available. 


2.      Divisions: 8 & Under (when applicable), 10 & Under, 12 & Under, 14 & Under, 16 & Under, and 18 & Under.


3.      Tournament format is specific to the tournament and will be advertised with the tournament notice.  If needed, due to weather or any other unforeseen circumstances, the tournament director and his/her committee reserve the right to revert to other method of play.


4.      In the event of teams dropping out, the tournament director and his/her committee reserves the right to change the times of games for pool play or tournament play. 


5.      Check-in is at the Doris Bair Softball Complex, 4940 Doris Bair Circle. Please check-in AT 
LEAST 45 minutes prior to your first game. 


6.      Players must have proof of age available if requested by tournament director. 


7.      Pool play will start on Friday, and continue through Saturday. Elimination tournament will be played on Sunday and in some events may begin on Saturday. 


8.      All games will be 7 innings subject to 75-minute time limit. Pool play games may end in a tie.  Time limits may change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.


9.      RUN RULE: 12 after 3; 10 after 4; and 8 after 5. 


10.    All teams must be ready to play 45 minutes prior to their scheduled game time. The flip of the coin will be done at the plate immediately following the conclusion of the previous game. The line-up card and game ball must also be ready at that time and given to the umpire. 


11.    Tournament seeding will be determined by: (1) win-loss record; (2) runs allowed; (3) runs scored; or (4) coin flip. 


12.    In the elimination tournament, the international tiebreaker rule will go into effect after the 7th inning or at the end of 75 minutes of regulation play if game is tied.   Pool play games will end in a tie.


13.    Umpires will be registered with the sanctioning association. Umpire decisions are final and only roster protests will be allowed.  Protests must be made to the UIC and accompanied by a $100 protest fee, returnable if the protest is found to have merit.


14.    Team and individual awards will typically be given to 1st and 2nd place in the tournament however variations to this may exist in some tournaments.


15.    At the completion of each game, PLEASE clean up the dugout. 


18.    PLEASE READ “THE DORIS BAIR COMPLEX RULES”. LYSA has a “NO DOGS ALLOWED” rule. Please inform your parents. 


17.    The drinking of alcoholic beverages at Doris Bair Softball Complex is prohibited. 


18.    LYSA is not responsible for injuries or lost or stolen items. 


19.    In case of rain or any other circumstances, please call the Doris Bair Softball Complex at (402) 467-4800 or sign up for event text messages at, for further information.   These will be updated as soon as information is available.


20.    Elimination tournament schedules will be posted on the website as soon as all pool play games are played and verified.  When tournament schedule is available an email and text (if signed up for it) will be sent out to the email used for registration.   Please check your scores online during tournament and let the tournament director know if there is an issue by asking for them at the concession stand.


21.    Coaches are responsible for the behavior of your players and fans. Please make sure everyone reads the complex rules which are posted at the front gate and available online. 


22.    Unless specifically noted above sanctioning association rules will apply. 




Revised March 2016 – LYSA Board